22/08/2011 - UUJ on form in the Border Cup
A single goal from Sean Walsh was enough to see UUJ progress to the Second Round of the Border Cup with an impressive victory over Shankill United at the Hammer. UUJ will again face Premier Division opposition in the Second Round, this time travelling to Islandmagee. PS
15/08/2011 - UUJ win in Steel & Sons Cup
UUJ FC recorded a 3-2 win over Ballynure Old Boys on Saturday in the first round of the Steel & Sons Cup and have progressed to the second round. Read the full match report. Images also added to the gallery. PS
15/08/2011 - Wedding Congratulations

On behalf of all players and management at UUJ FC, congratulations to player Dan McAlea on his wedding to Fiona. We wish them all the very best for the future. DM
05/08/2011 - Wedding Congratulations

Congratulations to UUJ right back Chris 'JD' McKeown on his wedding to Naomi, on Thursday 28th July. From all players and management at the club we wish them all the very best for the future. Management said it was still no excuse to miss training and have planned some backwards running for Chris on his return. DM
26/07/2011 - Match Updates
The match that was arranged with Queens for 26th July 2011 has now been called off. The draw for the Steel & Sons Cup has been made with UUJ facing an away match with Ballynure Old Boys on the 13th August. The Border Cup has also be drawn, with UUJ facing Shankill FC away on the 20th August. DM
25/07/2011 - UUJ Youth feature in North Belfast News

UUJ Youth get ready for new season "UUJ Youth recently their presentation evening in the Thunderdome Restaurant, Glengormley. After completing their first season together in the Lisburn Junior League, UUJ have already begun preparations for the U18 season ahead. New players (born 1994) are welcome to try out for the squad and gain details through contacting uusoccer@hotmail.co.uk. The picture includes Player of the Season Matthew Whittley and Top Scorer Colm Davis among the remaining squad." Article & Photograph reproduced with kind permission of the North Belfast News. ES